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One Minute Silence: le split

05/11/2003 00:14:46
Voila en voyant ça jme suis dit que skizo serait intéressé...

"Although we are still the best of friends, and cannot rule out the possibility of working together in the future, for now we are dispersing to pursue other projects and interests. We're still in love, we're just not married any more!! There are no musical differences, and no personal conflicts affecting our friendship with each other, just a desire to branch out and explore other areas of life and music.
The band would like to extend their infinite love and respect to those who have championed OMS over the years, whether from within the industry and the media or from without. Your support has been life-giving. An extra-special acknowledgement is due to the people who have come to our shows, and especially to the people in the pit, because without you there would have been no OMS, and without people to listen, music would be meaningless. You rule, we love you, and we miss you already!!

Looking to the future; Yap is going full-throttle into spoken word performances, and he is also working on a number of political and philosophical media projects.

Glen Diani and Massy Fiocco are currently considering and inviting other options.

Eddie Stratton is currently filling in on drums with his friends in New Disease; so watch this space!"

05/11/2003 13:44:35
05/11/2003 16:47:22
ouaip merci d'avoir penser a moi!

j'avais deja lu ca en passant sur leur site ya une petite semaine c klr ke ca me fait chier qd meme! ok les clips sont tres tres mauvais :-S mais la musique moi elle me faisait bien délirer (surtout le 2e album et le dernier aussi) puis je les verrais jamais en tournée du coup
c'etait des bons potes de ratm... ils sont tous destinés a la meme fin ou koi?

(aparament pas de problèmes dans le groupe, on entend toujours ca g l'impression! regardez Immortal en juillet! pareil! et j'prend ke les derniers cas )

aufait, crois-moi ke j'suis pa le seul """interessé""" (entre "" paske c choses la on prefererait ke ca arrive jamais )
05/11/2003 16:49:44
ben moi je les ai vu en concert!!! enfin vu que je connaissait pas et ke ça mintéressait pas j'ai oublié
05/11/2003 18:24:34
ah oui ct ou et en kelle année?
05/11/2003 19:02:26

R.I.P. One Minute Silence...

je suis puceau de leur concert aussi...

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