Voilà, je suis en train de faire mon dossier pour partir en Erasmus l'année prochaine (soit à Sheffield, soit à Delft au Pays bas).
Il faut donc écrire une lettre de motivation en anglais. C'est ce que j'ai fait, mais si quelqu'un pouvait rapidement me dire ce qu'il en pense et eventuellement corriger quelques erreurs
Mais vous moquez pas, je sais qu'il y a des phrases un peu nases mais c'est pas toujours facile de s'exprimer comme on veut
Voilà la bête :
I'm actually student at l'Ecole d'Architecture de Strasbourg, where I've been studying architecture for two years. For a few months now I've been seriously considering studying abroad in my third year of Licence.
My scholastic cursus has always put foreign languages in the foreground. Indeed, as soon as possible, I integrated a trilingual class (French-English-German). Later, I started to learn spanish, during 3 years (high school). Moreover, I was in luck's way to travel a lot in english-speaking coutries like England, Ireland (ten days in a family), U.s.a (three times), Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Holland.
I have always got interested in artistic things like architecture of course, but cinema and music too (piano and bass guitar practise). I also practised theater when I was in college.
An Erasmus stay would give me the possibility to improve my english : better oral understanding, easier oral expression,...
But it would also confront me with an architectural vocabulary that I'm actually missing.
Moreover, studying abroad is a good opportunity to discover a country and its culture. There must be different teaching methods, different ways of thinking, different architectural vision than in France. I think the confrontation with a different culture would help me understant mine.
I have been living in Strasbourg since I am born and the idea of living one year in a new city is great. I could discover a new organization, new people, new museums and monuments, new peaceful places, ...
But I'm also conscious about the difficulties I would have to face, but he doesn't scare me at all. In fact, I think I love difficulties.
Thanks for the attention you'll pay to this letter.
Voilà, si vous avez des remarques sur la lettre en elle même (trop longue, trop courte, trop nulle...) allez y aussi !!